private coaching

Tav Shepard

Our career journeys will go through peaks and valleys. We may be sky-rocketing for a few years and then we may begin feeling stagnant and stuck for a while. But we don't have to stay feeling stuck unless we choose to remain complacent and do nothing to change our situation.

For the majority of us, opportunities are not going to fall into our laps. We have to take control of our own careers. As your accountability partner and biggest supporter, I will help you build confidence and gain clarity in your career journey by taking you through a simple, four-step process.  

Time for Growth

a rewarding coaching program for high-achieving women who are ready to turn their situation around

We will execute the plan and begin witnessing growth.

We will brainstorm and lay out a concrete plan of action.

We will explore your current situation and compare it to where you want to be.

We will get very clear about the challenges you are facing and what you want to accomplish.

My Four - Step System

what if you could have success on

There is nothing more empowering than taking ownership of your situation. You will experience an immediate boost in confidence when you begin to put the steps in place to overcome whatever you've been struggling with in your career journey. If you can define what success looks like for you, we'll map out exactly how you're going to achieve it. We will focus on goals + results!

your terms?

I need better work-life balance so that I can dedicate time to other endeavors.

I want to grow my network so that new opportunities begin to open for me.

I need to improve my ability to manage my team remotely so that I can be a better leader for them.

I need to redefine my next career move so that I can put the steps in place to get there.

sound familiar?

I want that!


*Complimentary Discovery Call
* One Power Strategy Session 
* 60 - 90 Minutes (Video or Phone)
* Professional Development Plan
* One Check-in Call After the Session

This package is great for anyone wanting to test the waters with coaching. If you are looking for quick actions you can take to begin turning your situation around, this package is for you.

Ask me about flexible payment options.

quick win package

What's Included:

 $650 in full Or flex payments

*Complimentary Discovery Call
* One Month of Coaching (4 Sessions) 
* 45 - 60 Minutes (Video or Phone)
* Professional Development Plan
* Weekly Email Support
*Unlimited Access to Your Coach 

This package is great for anyone looking for quick results and needs an accountability partner in the process to keep them on track.

move the needle package

 $1250 in full or flex payments

*Complimentary Discovery Call
* Three Months of Coaching (7 Sessions) 
* 45 - 60 Minutes (Video or Phone)
* Professional Development Plan
* Biweekly Email Support
* Unlimited Access to Your Coach

This package is for those seeking long-term support for a situation that may take extra time to begin seeing results.

deep dive package

I'm all in!

"Be patient with yourself. self-growth is tender; it's holy ground. there's no greater investment."

-Steven Covey

Food For Thought...

This is for you if...

let me tell you about who I serve!

You're looking to get your joy back as you continue on your career journey.

You're looking for clarity in your career because you've lost your way. 

You're stuck in a rut in your career and need to make some changes.

You need an accountability partner and support system to help you accomplish your goals.

You are always helping everyone else and you are ready to focus on your own goals.

You need a trusted professional in your corner who is nonjudgmental and determined to help you reach
your goals.

Let's Dive In!

I'm your coach!

— Belinda M.

"tav has the ability to put herself in your position and always provides unbiased feedback."

"tav has helped me learn to navigate stressful situations. with her guidance, she has helped me develop a plan and write out exactly how to address my situation."

— Melissa G.

"tav was open to listening to anything i had to say with no judgement and provided me with a feeling of security."

You're ready to make some SERIOUS changes in your career.

You're ready to OWN your power.

You're ready to take control of your situation.

You're ready to go from frustrated and overwhelmed to confident and unstoppable.

Who You Are...

get to know me!

get ready to shine!

I see you over there! You're giving it all you can in your career, but you're still feeling like something is missing. I get it. We're all continuing to figure things out as we move forward in our career journey. Just know that you don't have to figure things out on your own. You may have personal projects that you've wanted to accomplish for a long time, but they keep getting pushed to the side. You may be struggling with the idea of stepping into the entrepreneurial world. Whatever has you stuck, I can help you make moves. I love holding others accountable for what they've committed to doing because I see greatness in all of us. Sometimes we need an extra boost of confidence to extract our greatness from inside of us and share it with the world.  I'd be honored to help you on your journey!

a professional development coach, wife, and mother.

I'm tav.

How's It Going?